Therapy Services

EMDR Therapy

EMDR therapy can help treat emotional distress and trauma from the past.

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing) uses the mind-body connection to help you process traumatic events and memories. The goal is to help you heal your trauma and lessen its effects on your life.

Parts Work

Parts work is a therapeutic views of yourself that shows the many “parts” of your mind and self.

With this technique, you learn more about the different aspects/parts that make up you as a whole. By understanding the different parts, you are able to identify your triggers and learn how to better manage them in your daily life.

Inner Child Work

Inner child work allows you to heal and reconnect with your inner self.

This therapeutic approach helps you recognize and heal childhood trauma. You are able to see the ways your childhood could be affecting your adult life and gain a be understanding of your behaviors and triggers.

Inner child work focuses on reparenting yourself to help you heal and grow, giving yourself the self compassion, self love, and self support you deserve.

My approach

Customized Treatment

I tailor treatment plans to meet the unique needs and developmental stages of teens and young adults. I am dedicated to creating individualized treatment plans that address the unique needs, goals, and strengths of each client, knowing no two journeys of healing are the same.

Family Involvement

It is important that, if necessary, parents or guardians be involved in the therapy process, as this can help in the holistic and customized treatment of the client. Involving family can help address family dynamics, improve communication, and foster a supportive environment for healing

Benefits of Trauma Therapy

Strengths-based Perspective

I focus on highlighting and building upon the strengths and resilience of teens and young adults, empowering them to regain control and thrive beyond their traumatic experiences

Emotional Healing

Trauma therapy can help teens and young adults heal from emotional wounds, reduce anxiety and depression symptoms, and restore a sense of emotional well-being.

Improved Coping Skills

I work with my cleints to develop healthy coping mechanisms, such as stress management techniques, emotional regulation strategies, and communication skills, which can empower clients to navigate future challenges.

Enhanced Relationships

Trauma therapy can improve relationships with family, friends, and partners by addressing relational patterns, building trust, and fostering healthy communication and boundaries.

Personal Growth

Personal growth and resilience-building can arise from the trauma healing journey, empowering teens and young adults to lead fulfilling and meaningful lives.

Let me be your guide.

If you are feeling stuck or overwhelmed in your current stage of life, I am able to help you find solid ground. My approach to therapy is to guide you toward fully understanding and connecting with yourself.

I am here to educate and empower you as you rediscover your whole self and learn more about your struggles and how to manage them.

I serve clients online and in Westlake Village, CA and surrounding areas.